Books, chapters in books

2016 Corporate Governance Teaching Materials
Monich, I. (2016). Corporate Governance Teaching Materials. Russia: Transbaikal State University Press. Published with the support of European project EduSFE 543891- TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RU-TEMPUS-JPCR.

2015 Corporate Governance
Monich, I., Bochkareva, I., Shpartko, Y. (2015). Corporate Governance: manual. Russia: Transbaikal State University Press.
ISBN 978-5-9293-1320-2

2015 Forecasting and planning in taxation. Special tax regimes (manual)
Bochkareva, I., Shpartko, Y., Monich, I. (2014). Forecasting and planning in taxation. Special tax regimes: manual. Russia: Transbaikal State University Press.
ISBN 978-5-9293-1179-6

2014 Marketing (manual)
Monich, I. (2014). Marketing: manual. Russia: Transbaikal State University Press.
ISBN 978-5-9293-1215-1

2014 Topical issues of strategic planning of regional development on the example of the Transbaikal region (monograph)
Burov, V., Gonin, V., Monich, I., Kashurnikov, A., Kisloschaev, P. (2014). The strategic issues of diversifying the economy of the trans-border region through the development of the tourism industry. In Gonin, V (Ed), Topical issues of strategic planning of regional development on the example of the Transbaikal region (pp. 115-155). Chita: Transbaikal State University Press.
ISBN 978-5-9293-1082-9
Articles in the peer reviewed Journals in the past 5 years
Monich, I. (2017, in press). Innovative Mathematical Model of Optimization of Number of Tour Operators in Boundary Regions. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS.
London, United Kindom, eSSN: 2357-1330
The paper is accepted.
Abstract. The article demonstrates the application of a mathematical model in a decision-making process of relevant committees and agencies of the Russian Federation subjects that control the tourist industry. The mathematical apparatus of the queuing theory is applied as an instrument of assessment of the organization level of the Trans-Baikal Territory tourism industry and used for optimizing the number of tour operators. The developed model can be used in decision making by those authorities which are responsible for the developing tourism in the region. The peculiarities of innovation activity in the tourism industry are shown as well. The application of the developed activities is shown by the example of the Trans-Baikal territory.
Keywords: management, innovation activity, tourism, tourism industry, queuing theory
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Monich, I., Riumkin, I., Potekhina, A. (2017). Blockchain - a Revolutionary Solution to Problems of Modern Corporate Governance. Economics Journal of Transbaikal State University, 15, 1-11. Retrieved from http://vseup.ru/articles/312/
Monich, I. and Kisloschaev, P. (2015). Ensuring food security as the basis of Russia's economic policy.
Journal of the Buryat State University. Economics and Management, 2-2015, 3-7.
Ulan-Ude, Russia
Abstract.The article is devoted to the issues of provision of food safety of Russia on the basis of regulation of its food subcomplex. To keep and improve population health, it is necessary to provide it with high-grade food which structure should be differentiated by regions taking into account national traditions. The modern system of estimation of the country food safety level demands the wider range of indicators. In the article, the dynamics of consumption level of the basic foodstuff by the population of the country is analyzed. Socioeconomic factors, which food safety of Russia depends on, the basic criteria of food safety arc considered, the main of which is the level of foodstuff self-sufficiency at all territorial levels of the country. The necessity of state regulation of economy on the whole and of its food subcomplex, in particular, is designated. The solution of a set of problems for the provision of the worthy level of food safety and working out a policy of development for the long-term prospect is proposed.
Monich, I. and Galsanov, B. (2015). The Development of foreign trade activities in the Zabaikalsky region. Journal of the Transbaikal State University, 116, 115-127.
Coauthor is the Minister of International cooperation and foreign economic relations and tourism of Transbaikal region
Chita, Russia
The article explicitly describes current condition of economic activities in Transbaikal region as at the end of 2014 considering the factor of international cooperation. The authors pay considerable attention to stimulation of export-oriented businesses in agriculture and industry including development of export-oriented rapid growth territories. A number of preferences, intended to attract FDIs and facilitate economic integration with APR countries, has been outlined in the article. Successful implementation of investment projects entails familiarizing investors not only with tax incentives but also with favorable infrastructural conditions contributing the most to competitive positions in the future. The authors also define system-approach driven managerial issues within tourism industry. System approach is fundamental in describing the mutual interests and interrelations among the three constituents of tourist industry: tourists, tour operators, and executive public bodies regulating the tourist industry. Incoming tourism attractiveness factors are assessed with further application of the original qualitative data. The results are bound to facilitate improvements within the industry namely diversification to services demanded by incoming tourists. Tourism as an element of region’s international economic activity is intended to become a course of regional economy diversification due to multiplier effect instrumental to related industries development. The analysis proved that international economic activity intensification and detailed information predefines successful economic performance of the region and provides for integration into APR economic system
Monich, I. and Kisloschaev, P. (2014). The systematic approach to the management of the tourism industry in the region on the example of the Zabaikalsky region. Baikal Research Journal, 04-2014.
Retrieved from http://eizvestia.isea.ru/reader/article.aspx?id=19297
Irkutsk, Russia
Abstract. From the system approach's point of view, three basic cases generating tourist industry are discussed in the article. Factors of Zabaikalsky Krai inbound tourism's attractiveness are determined. The procedure of domestic tourism development is designed on basis of the cluster approach.
Monich, I. (2014). Main directions of tourism market development of the Zabaikalsky region in collaboration with China. The collection of articles from the Ministry of International Cooperation, foreign economic relations and tourism of the Transbaikal Region, 1, 50-55.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Monich, I. (2012). The role of logistics component in the formation of innovative tourist’s product. Economics Journal of Transbaikal State University, 3.
Retrieved from https://media.wix.com/ugd/2f893a_15f954b871034c929cd369e24cb99b31.pdf
Chita, Russia
Abstract. The article deals with the identification and consideration of the logistics component of an innovative tourism product. The importance of the role of logistics while forming cross- border tours is proved by the example of the Zabaikalsky Krai and IMAR China. The article also shows and identifies the proportion of the transportation costs as a part of the given tours. Keywords: innovation, tourism, logistics, cross-border tourism, PRC.
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Monich, I. (2012). Model of state regulation of innovation activity of tourism industry. Journal of the Buryat State University. Economics and Management, 2, 102-107.
Ulan-Ude, Russia
Burov, V., Monich, I., Kruchinina, N., Pomulev, A. (2012) Issues of measuring unobserved small businesses. Studies of the Baikal region: Materials of interregional, youth school seminar, 128-135.
Ulan-Ude, Russia
Monich, I. (2011). Innovation management in the tourism sector. Journal of the Chita State University, 11(78), 9-14.
Chita, Russia
Abstract. The management of the innovative activities in tourism. While managing one should follow a certain methodological line that allows you to choose that combination of the elements of the environment which is the most relevant to the objectives and management options. The approaches play the role of this methodological line. The article deals with the current approaches to management and determines a combined (cybernetic and cluster hybrid) approach to the management of innovative activities in tourism. The article gives the scheme of the cybernetic system of management based on clusters related to the tourism industry and offers the assessment system of management efficiency through the multiplier effect.
Keywords: innovative activities, tourism industry, management, cybernetic approach, tourism cluster
Monich, I. and Shevchuk, V. (2010). Prospects of the diversification of the economy of regions of Siberia and the Far East on the basis of development of the International (ecological) tourism. The Journal of Sustainable usage and protection of natural resources in Russia, 1-2010, 42-48
Moscow, Russia
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Certificates on the program for electronic computers, databases, integrated circuits, duly registered
Software package of phonetic and semantic processing of CHINESE TEXTS with translation into English and Russian (Hello World REC)
The official registration certificate for computer programs. Rightholder-author: Ivan Pavlovich Monich. Registered in the Russian State Computer Program Register on July 26, 2007, register number is 2007613155
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Software package for improving the cognitive abilities in the educational process BrainLab.Pro
The official registration certificate for computer programs. Rightholder-author: Ivan Pavlovich Monich. Registered in the Russian Stets Computer Program Register on July 5, 2014, registration number is 2014613185
Coauthors Y.N. Smolyakov, O.A. Maslova